the govt enforcer supervise the price of good here to avoid mislead the consumer, it seem easy b'coz the Mega Sales usually in the big supermarket and the hypermarket, the likes Tesco, Makro, Carrefour, Giant, the Makro are only in history then,

The hypermarket insist the opening of their outlet won't effect the small groceries shop, in fact they will be the place for small and medium producer to market their product to the end user, Managing Director Carrefour of Malaysia/ Singapore Shafie Samsudin said the hypermarket planning to have 20% of their product in its market locally produce, but to date they only achieved half of their target, Utusan Malaysia June 3,2008. He said the local producer didn't meet the thight requirement such the qualities of the product, the method of marketing and the long term strategies of the producer, we Malaysia just cannot have the biznez belakang dapur anymore, have to change the mentalities to the going to world but still abide by the local law and islamic syarie law,
biznez belakang dapur, this is the example where world class goal but locally made, so where is it will end, my stomach..
the mushroom producer also hit hard by this, Genting Permai Resources Zainon Ariffin during her interview in University Putra Malaysia (UPM), said she had tried to enter the Jaya Jusco, but the requirement of the hypermarket for the large producer only allowed to enter the Jusco so the supply distruption wont occur, she said the mushroom are scattered at the whole country, the product which has short life span must reach the customer in shorter time, the Jusco demand the mushroom to cooperate so the middle man will help to gather the mushroom before it reach the Jusco's shelf, but Zainon insist the process using the middle man are hurt their pocket, if they opt to use middle man which usually take mushroom RM7.50/kg compare to the recomended selling price far beyond at RM13.50/kg, at the end the local will have no choice b'coz the hypermarket will make the local groceries shop to close wheter we realise it or not, in addition the product on the hypermarket shelf will only consist the Nestle from Swiss, Heinz from USA, Parmalat from Brazil, the Chang from Thai, the Telefonica from Spain.
Mushroom sold here in Pasar Borong Selayang, Selangor..the price is still reasonable RM11.00/kg
the mighty Nestle with its product here, my family consume Nescafe 3-in-1, Kit Kat, Milo, Maggi Tomyam, and many more cannot remember, otherwise i not blogging here coz i'll be sitting to finish Nestle Koko Crunch
the Internal Trade Minister, Datuk Shahrir Samad said the Malaysian habit to shopping in big hypermarket due to the convinience to have everything and all services under one roof, but the habit killing the local slowly and sooner or later no locally made sauce and don't blame other if our future child didn;t what satay looks,