Friday, June 27, 2008
Petronas bashing is orchestrated
Before I answer your question why, let me take you a few years back. Immediately after Pak Lah took over from Tun Dr. Mahathir as of 31.10.2003, a small consulting firm named BINA FIKIR was invited to make a presentation to Pak Lah to present their views of Malaysian Economic situation back then.
Subsequent events lead to another, soon they were meeting EVERY OTHER DAY, of course all these with the help from KJ, PM Son-in-Law. There were so many proposals from BINA FIKIR that even the Government senior officers couldn’t keep up.
But Pak Lah tells Malaysian that an action plan is in place as he called for the General Election in March 2004. MR. CLEAN won the election in 2004 by breaking records for UMNO as well as BARISAN.
Earlier newspaper reports were focusing on FOCUSING on KHAZANAH NASIONAL BERHAD performance and after several collective comments on Khazanah, Pak Lah announced that the MD, Datuk Anwar Aji, of Khazanah is to be replaced by Azman Mokhtar on June 1, 2004, barely 2 months after election.
AZMAN was the brain and the MD of BINA FIKIR. Datuk Anwar was given Chairman of Faber Group Berhad. It was planned so well that people hardly noticed.
KJ was successful in planting his people at Khazanah Nasional Berhad and now has access to ALL THE ASSETS OF KHAZANAH. Khazanah passive policy on its investments were changed almost overnight. They were allowed to use their assets as securities to raise monies for INVESTMENTS OVERSEAS.
Invest they did into the billions of ringgits thru certain investments advisors which makes tonnes on advisory fees and services. Personal greed is difficult to satisfy! PETRONAS is by far the richest company and most profitable in Malaysia. PETRONAS has won several accolades as the BEST MANAGED COMPANY too.
PETRONAS is in the Fortune 500 companies. And Tan Sri Hassan Marican is a tough nut to crack. To replace Tan Sri Hassan is not an easy tasks.
So when the opportunity comes, KJ & CO took full advantage to bash PETRONAS. Using mass media which he controls, using many bloggers to plant hate mails into various local sites and even to the extent of spreading sms-es sent nationwide to boycott Petronas stations and productes, he is seeing the desired results.
He further attacked Petronas for not being transparent in the annual account, which is strange because Khazanah Nasional does not even publish its annual account. It is only Petronas being bashed.
Tan Sri Hassan came out defending PETRONAS saying accounts area available, only certain people refuses to read it!
Never before has Tan Sri Hassan has to defend himself. Defend he did, he tried, but Hassan does not have the power KJ has on the media. Silly allegations were thrown at PETRONAS all with evil intention to make people angry at Hassan for the fuel hike which was actually the DOLLAH’s GOVERNMENT DECISION.
The modus operandi was similar to Khazanah Nasional, ONLY PETRONAS seems more difficult. More attempts to unseat Hassan will be planned by these greedy people, and all they need is a wrong move by Hassan, so far he has done none of it.
Dipetik dari
ulasan saya:
apabila ramai yang mengatakan marahkan nyamuk dan kelambu yang dibakar semasa PRU-12 yang lepas, tetapi kini apabila harga minyak naik ramai yang menyalahkan Petronas selaku peniaga minyak di negara ini,
apabila harga gula naik, tak pernah orang kata supaya kilang gula yang mengeluarkan gula perlu telus dan segala akaun nya perlu untuk tatapan umum, dalam menginpretasikan kenaikan harga nya.
apabila IPP (pengeluar tenaga bebas) yang mendapat gas dengan harga subsidi membuat keputusan untuk menaikkan kadar untuk pembekalan tenaga elektrik kedalam grid elektrik tempatan. Semua dokumen mestilah di atas kertas, tetapi semua masih nampak yang kesalahan ini berpunca dengan kenaikan harga petrol yang dijual oleh petronas.
isu kenaikan tol di Malaysia juga mengambil tempat kini, semasa harga kebanyakan barang naik, lain pula dengan tol yang berusaha untuk menurunkan harga tol kini, pelik kos operasi meningkat jika harga barang meningkat terutama petrol, tetapi kini terbalik pulak.
adakah menteri kerja raya kini lebih bagus berbanding yang terdahulu dalam membuat keputusan dan juga rundingan dengan pihak konsesi.
umum sedia maklum yang pihak konsesi mempunyai pilihan dalam setiap beberapa tahun untuk menyemak harga samada tol, tarif elektrik, atau pun harga air kepada Singapura.
tetapi ia tidak patut menjadi alasan dalam menaikkan harga dalam memindahkan peningkatan kos kepada ahli rantaian terakhir iaitu pengguna.
jadi apa keperluan kerajaan sebelum ini dalam memberi subsidi dalam membuat jalan, membuat highway dan juga semua keperluan lain yang memang digunakan rakyak setiap hari.
walhal kerajaan boleh berjimat dengan membuat subsidi hanya sekali iaitu membuat landasan berkembar keretapi untuk memudahkan pergerakan rakyat.
kini setelah kerajaan membantu pihak-pihak ini membuat perniagaan dan juga mengembangkan ekonomi atau lebih tepat meningkatkan nilai aset, dan apabila harga barangan naik, mereka dengan senang juga menaikkan harga barangan dan produk mereka (tak kira lah tol ke, elektrik ke, air ke) siapa yang merana pengguna yang tak mempunyai pilihan lain juga.
the latest one is Sime Darby, the biggest conglomerate in Malaysia with market capitalisation RM200 billion ++, even surpass the biggest bank Maybank and cash rich British American Tobbaco (BAT), Sime Daby pulled out from the Bakun project, the maybe solution for the energy woes in the country,
kalau jurutera ada etika semasa kerja, akauntan ada panduan semasa pertimbangan akaun, peguam yang selalu mempersoalkan kebebasan bersuara, bagaimana pula dengan pembuat dasar yang mempunyai kuasa ini.
adakah kita sebagai rakyat akan membiarkan meraka yang ada kuasa ini dalam membuat dasar akan terus membuat dasar tanpa menyelidik dan usul periksa akan kesan dasar tersebut kepada umum.
Friday, June 20, 2008
air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya, mengapa kita perlu menangkap ikan sedangkan ikan itu sudah digoreng...
sebelum sembahyang jumaat tadi adalah satu kejadian yang aku lalui ini, walaupun aku tak melalui sepenuhnya cuma 'apart' of that..kenapa aku perlu peningkan diri aku untuk memikirkan masalah orang lain sedangkan jawapan sudah ada.
collective decision?? living in this mean world where dictatorhip are everywhere and all mouth are shut and their hand are tied how they going to give decision when a gun is point into their mouth, or a bunch of ringgit filled their mouth..
i'm not here to judge people, also not observing people, i'm too busy with my life, so what for to add more headache.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
aku tidak pernah selfish
aku yang tak pernah selfish, aku pergi ke TM pun masih nak ajak sumer kengkawan aku, aku masih nak bersama kengakawan aku...
hanya kerana aku tidak balas sms salah seorang dari kumpulan itu, aku terus dipandang serong..
kalaulah mereka tau yang aku telah sampai ke Shah Alam, dan boleh terus balik, tapi aku patah balik ke TM hanya kerana perasaan bersalah aku tidak balas sms dan tidak angkat phone aku...aku mengharungi perjalanan JEM di Federal Highway selama 1jam sebab itu aku tak terus muncul tepacak di depan mata mereka sejurus selepas aku balas sms mereka....
aku yang tak pernah selfish....
p/s: projek mega yang akan dijalankan bukan macam yang dirancang di Wilayah Iskandar dimana ia hanya akan dijalankan melalui inisiatif swasta melalui kontrak terus kepada UEM Group, tetapi projek aku masih ajak kengkawan aku, masih tidak melupakan orang di sekeliling aku, bukan itu sahaja, aku masih memikirkan orang yang memerlukan bantuan umumnya. Dan orang yang accuse aku mendengar tentang projek aku dan penerangan aku dari A ke Z...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Perempuan lebih banyak dari lelaki
aku baru baca paper utusan hari ini yang menyatakan pelajar perempuan kini semakin banyak dan melebihi dari pelajar lelaki, bukan sahaja di UPSI yang penuh dengan bakal guru malah di Universiti yang lain yang menekankan mata pelajaran sains dan teknologi, seperti UiTM, UTM, UM, dan UKM.
senario ini mungkin disebabkan kerana dunia dah nak kiamat jadi memang lah seperti yang termaktub di dalam kitab suci Al-Quran yang menyatakan telah hampir ke hujung dunia apabila kaum Hawa semakin banyak dalam membuat keputusan dan menjadi ahli masyarakat.
Kejadian ini juga di akui oleh Naib Canselor UPSI yang menyatakan kaum perempuan kini bukan sahaja telah memonopoli kuota pelajar di Institut Pengajian Tinggi malah dalam bidang pasaran kerja,
saya tertarik dengan senyum kambing pada muka hadapan paper Utusan semalam yang mengajuk tentang senario kaum hawa yang semakin bertambah ini dan menyalahkan kaum lelaki yang menjadi mat rempit.
jika kita melihat masalah ini dengan lebih mendalam pelajar-pelajar yang bakal masuk ke IPT awam dan swasta adalah dari lepasan sekolah, jika kita tiada lepasan sekolah lelaki bagaimana IPT ini hendak diisi dengan pelajar lelaki,
muka depan paper metro yang menunjukkan guru lelaki yang mengalami masalah mental dengan menjadikan pelajar sebagai pemuas nafsu seks, ini sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada keruntuhan akhlak pelajar lelaki yang sepatutnya menjadi lepasan sekolah dan mengisi tempat-tempat di universiti dan institut pengajian tinggi.
ketiadaan role model untuk menjadi contoh kepada pelajar lelaki semasa peringkat sekolah juga turut menyumbang kepada kurangnya lepasan sekolah yang sepatutnya sama atau lebih baik daripada role model yang di sebut di atas.
bukan itu sahaja, jika kita melihat senario ini dengan lebih mendalam, proses ini bermula seawal mereka masuk ke alam pra-sekolah lagi atau tadika.
ibu bapa kurang bersetuju dan berasa terancam jika terdapat pekerja lelaki di tempat-tempat asuhan, tadika tempat anak-anak mereka berada. bukan itu sahaja, kaum lelaki akan di pandang serong jika pekerja di tempat tersebut, mereka ini akan di cop sebagai pheodolphia walaupun bersongkok haji sekalipun.
mungkin tidak salah jika saya nyatakan ibu-bapa ini dan juga pemilik pusat asuhan dan tadika ini tidak akan membenarkan kaum lelaki ini dari bekerja di tempat ini. sebab itu kita kini jarang sekali malah kalau nak di kata tidak pernah pun boleh untuk melihat kaum lelaki dari terlibat dalam industri pusat asuhan dan tadika ini.
jadi kanak-kanak seawal 5/6 tahun ini tidak mempunyai role model kaum lelaki sejak mereka memulakan alam persekolahan lagi. mereka sudah terlalu sebati dengan guru kaum wanita sebagai tempat belajar dan sebagai tempat mendengar soalan.
kaum wanita yang lemah lembut ini juga begitu peka dengan kanak-kanak ini yang begitu berbeza dengan kaum lelaki, jadi apabila kanak-kanak ini mempunyai sifat ingin tahu atau melarikan diri dari masalah di rumah, seringkali kaum wanita ini yang menjadi tempat rujukan dan pemberi jawapan.
jadi masalah ini seterusnya berhubung kait dengan bilangan lulusan lelaki yang setelah melalui proses yang cukup panjang dan memenatkan ini, setelah 23 tahun merujuk kepada role model duniawi ini masuk ke alam pekerjaan.
jadi hasilnya mat rempit yang berkebolehan untuk membuat terjunan di kutub utara???
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Dasar Tambatan Ringgit
i have read the blog, TDM argue the gov action to lift the currency peg introduced by him. I agreed with Tun bcoz by lifting the currency per to the USD dollar to the new system and keep it afloat at the manageable floating is actually not helping the consumer really at the end user.
the latest currency exchange for the RM is
USD 1 = RM 3.30 compare the pegging at USD 1 = RM 3.80
the gov said the action to float the RM will help to increase the buying power among Malaysian, i heard many Malaysia who like to travel abroad, has relative oversea, sending teir children to study at oversea welcomed the gov action when this implemented somewhere in 2003. my family also welcomed this bcoz we seldomly travel abroad and so we dont understand what is going around but the media keep saying the increase in buying power so noone think the other effect so we percaya bulat-bulat at that time.
let me take the reader into more deeper. a student want to further study locally, apllying for loan from the PTPTN, buying new stuff to brand new semester, renting house in the large city, ride motorcycle Modenas, feuling Petronas Primax3 and many more to mention here, so where is the increase buying power take effect on the student.
He don't have any money, he spending his loan, when his loan dried up he seeking assistance from the family, so if the family no money so supposely he gone for 'Along'.
the other situation a medium class family whose the father working as civil servants and the mother is future educated housewife, every weekend the father will take the whole family 'balik kampung' visit the relative, eat lemang, buy rambutan, buy pulut panggang and the other side the mother will do the grocery everyday buying the fish, vegie and maybe cendol depan masjid for her kid, so where are their buying power measured....??
now you can see at the larger view, and more global...we look into the Airasia plan to add more plane to their current fleet, they are buying the A 320 cost RM 300m each, the plane are all assemble at Toulonse, France. No Malaysia worker, no Malaysia vendor, no Malaysia at all.
i gladly to view the proposal to 'perkasakan' our army with the new Sukhoi SU-30MKM cost RM 1.5 b each, the avianic maybe from Malaysia bcoz the actual spec is fiited with the avionic from the Israeli due the diplomatic relation is not exist at all between the two country (Malaysia and Israel) so we try to make the avionic locally, and i might wonder wether we developed it or we just acquire from the supllier locally registered and operate from outside from Malaysia.
The Rapid KL also acquire new bus fleet for the brand new company which benefited from the gov action to sync all public transport in Malaysia. The new bus fleet are bought from outside Malaysia but assemble locally by CKD 'completely knock down unit import.
By increase the buying power so this mammoth giant company will reap benefit from the strong ringgit compare the USD. Those party which buying oversea a lot will benefit a lot compare the parent stated above bought 'nasi lemak and teh tarik' at Makcik Bedah's stall.
The rakyat will not understand how this happen bcoz they had to learn economic to death to understand this scenario. Not to mention the children to the parent stated above, they will busy marching during national Day (August 31 every year) and smile to the camera for their parent. (For their parent only)
We also know we have to save for the better future next generation. But the escalating cost of living will push this family to the poorer or may even worse 'starving to death'.
The inflation are high, those getting salary and wage at the end of the month don't have the power to buy thing for the family, the student facing financial difficulaties during his/her study.
The keropok lekor maker in rural area, the craft maker along Sg Tembeling and the fisherman at Tanjung Kupang Johor which usually exporting their product are facing difficulaties in marketing their product. Their product will be less competitive compare to their India and Chinese counter part abroad which really advantage on the cheap labour costs.
The worse part, the also cannot sell in the country bcoz noone can accept their product. Infaltion huh..and the gov will campaign "Belilah Barangan Malaysia'...what for a Malaysia living in Kuala Lumpur buy a 'bulu rotan hat' which not affect his/ her life, wonder why we need to buy batik when our mretired mother or grandmother if still alive lor...can make for us...
So who actually know how the increase in buying power are affecting or influence one life here in Malaysia. i can understand if one angrily sms or calling to radio and tv about the gasoline price increase.
Luckily it is not judgement day yet. There is time for me to 'perbanyakkan amal ibadat' aminnnn
hari kedua aku kerja..
terasa kosong sangat idup aku di sini, interview untuk BW Perunding pun aku tak sempat pergi pagi tadi, penat sangat, maybe lain masa ada kot, petang yang penoh ngan cabaran dalam membuat sistem yang akan membantu kehidupan kita seharian...
kekadang belajar tinggi sampai degree bukan menjadikan aku seorang engineer, tetapi lebih kepada seorang yang lebih analatikal dan penuh dengan rasa solvensi yakni ingin tahu dalam sesuatu perkara dan memikirkan dari setiap segi perkara tersebut, menjadi lumrah manusia untuk berhadapan dengan masalah, tetapi cara kita menyelesaikan masalah itu yang akan menunjukkan kredibiliti kita itu, jangan hanya kerana marahkan nyamuk habis satu kampung di bakar, lebih lebih lagi jika kampung yang ada kebun pisang mesti sudah ditebang,
sikap mempersoalkan itu baik dalam membuat kritikan dan mencari penyelesaian dari sudut jawapan yang lain bukan hanya menambah masalah malah memberi idea bagaimana sesuatu perkara itu perlu ditangani melalui dan setelah semua perkara diberi pertimbangan sewajarmya,
begitulah rutin aku pada hari kedua ini, sistem yang bagus tidak memerlukan teknologi yang canggih, tetapi penyelesaian yang baik memerlukan sistem yang bagus dari idea yang bagus...
aku pergi makan rojak seperti biasa malam tadi, rasa sedap betol rojak itu, sebelum ni aku sangat susah makan sotong takut alergie tapi malam tadi aku rasa senang sangat makan sotong, mungkin aku ada selera lebih kot malam ni,
aku harap orang yang tak makan sotong pun bukan akan kembali lebih berselera berbanding aku, tetapi teruskan usaha mengatasi masalah anda itu, masalah bukan menyusahkan kita, tetapi ia akan terus mengajar kita dalam menghadapi liku-liku dihadapan dengan persedian yang lebih baik....aku terus menunggu, bagai pungguk rindukan bulan, tetapi bulan tetap tersenyum walaupun waktu pertemuan yang begitu singkat, mungkin awan yang bergerak menghalang pandangan sekali sekala tidak terasa, kerana cahaya bulan tetap menyinari malam ku ini...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
aku accident..
nak dijadikan cerita aku dari The Mall, lepas beli Secret Recipe so aku ingat nak cari D*****o Pizza untuk adik aku yang sedang dalam rawatan di HKL, aku ingat la, yang Kat PWTC tuh ada kedai pizza, tapi hampeh, so aku U-Turn kat depan The Mall dalam my conquest untuk mencari kedai pizza yang bertuah ini, after this d**n s**t bloody U-Turn nih aku terus aje pastu nak belok kiri masuk ke Depan The Mall balik, aku nampak la kancil putih seketul ni, so aku lepas kan kancil ni, pastuh Mercedes E 240 ni kat belakang kancil tu aku rasa dah slow macam nak lepaskan aku lah nak lintas ke kiri, so dengan yakin jek aku masuk ke kiri sedar-sedar tengah pulas stereng ader bende melekat kat depan kereta aku, terkezut bin ajaib aku pada masa itu, malah abang aku yang bersama aku turut sumpah seranah memacam dala keretea tu masa tuh, hanya tuhan aje lah yang tau macam mana perasaan kitaorang time tuh,
pastu dah kene langgar so aku pun signal kekiri, da pun tapi dah kat depan tuh ada traffic light kearah taman tun, so kitaorang terus dulu pastu brek kat tepi jalan kearah Taman Tun,
turun aja kereta aku terus maki hamun orang tuh, biasa lah pantang tengaok orang bwak kereta mewah sikit mesti nak menyirap, orang tuh pun turun, tengok macam cool aje, macam takde nak marah, lepas tuh da kata da tak nak marah bole relax cool macam Tun Mahathir kat atas pentas, pastu tengok kerete da, calar jugak la, aku pun gigil jugak tgk kerete da, tuh belum tgk kerete waja aku abes depan sebelah kiri, remuk, nak ketuk mau abes RM 300-400 ni, tapi kereta mercedes nih lagi ribu raban jugak nih, pastu da story pulak kat aku time tuh kereta baru 4 bulan amik, kelakar juga la, sebab da masih relax aje, yang aku pulak macam tak puas hati semacam aje, macam rakyat Malaysia nak merusuh isu Pulau Batu Putih, da kata kalau nak ganti panel board kereta ngan bumper belakang da mau ribu raban ni, so dua-dua pihak mutually agreed la tak nak report polizi (polis) so da mintak aje lah berapa aku mau bayar , aku plak mana ade duit time tuh, memang sengkek gilak, nasib baik ada abang aku, bagi jela berapa yang kitaorang ade, RM100 aje, tapi ok lah, compare ribu raban aku nak bayar da tuh,
yang sedey nye aku nak repair Waja aku lagi mahal dari aku bayar owner mercedes tuh, arghhhhh
Friday, June 6, 2008
kawan aku masuk tv
this the link
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
tak sama kepala

FAo - Forget Already Occupation !!
today mark the opening for the World Food Security Summit in ROme, Italy from today until June 5, the Director General FAO plead USD 30 billion to re-launch the agro bussiness and de-fuse the world food crisis, also at the Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe slammed the west for the food crisis around the globe, major subsidised industry in europe and market protection for anti-surplus from the expoter country makes the situation worse..
Robert Mugabe addressing during the opening of the summit
i also wonder why must be the summit held when they cannot accept the suggestion from the Zimbabwe President Mugabe and Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmenijad, when they are not in the so called good behaviour country so everything from them are considered negative,
the British envoy to this summit had said, he will not shake hand and see Mugabe face through the summit coz his goverment doesn't have any diplomatic with the Zimbabwe, they are intelectual still put the political idealogy ahead of the world agenda and others benefits, they must get back to the negotiable table and start from this point or otherwise the world will end an the future generation will blame us,
supposely with the cooperation and assistance from FAO, the developing and undeveloped country, in fact prepare the policies,strategies, planning and programes if they had received funding to assure the food supply.. everyone seem far from near with the advise from the two leader, so why they called it summit, this is the wastage of the United Nation money and we as the UN member should address this at the UN summit in Ne York, bagai anjing menyalak bukit, bukit takkan runtuh, tapi suara anjing akan memanggil anjing yang lain..
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
IKS dilemma

the govt enforcer supervise the price of good here to avoid mislead the consumer, it seem easy b'coz the Mega Sales usually in the big supermarket and the hypermarket, the likes Tesco, Makro, Carrefour, Giant, the Makro are only in history then,

The hypermarket insist the opening of their outlet won't effect the small groceries shop, in fact they will be the place for small and medium producer to market their product to the end user, Managing Director Carrefour of Malaysia/ Singapore Shafie Samsudin said the hypermarket planning to have 20% of their product in its market locally produce, but to date they only achieved half of their target, Utusan Malaysia June 3,2008. He said the local producer didn't meet the thight requirement such the qualities of the product, the method of marketing and the long term strategies of the producer, we Malaysia just cannot have the biznez belakang dapur anymore, have to change the mentalities to the going to world but still abide by the local law and islamic syarie law,
biznez belakang dapur, this is the example where world class goal but locally made, so where is it will end, my stomach..
the mushroom producer also hit hard by this, Genting Permai Resources Zainon Ariffin during her interview in University Putra Malaysia (UPM), said she had tried to enter the Jaya Jusco, but the requirement of the hypermarket for the large producer only allowed to enter the Jusco so the supply distruption wont occur, she said the mushroom are scattered at the whole country, the product which has short life span must reach the customer in shorter time, the Jusco demand the mushroom to cooperate so the middle man will help to gather the mushroom before it reach the Jusco's shelf, but Zainon insist the process using the middle man are hurt their pocket, if they opt to use middle man which usually take mushroom RM7.50/kg compare to the recomended selling price far beyond at RM13.50/kg, at the end the local will have no choice b'coz the hypermarket will make the local groceries shop to close wheter we realise it or not, in addition the product on the hypermarket shelf will only consist the Nestle from Swiss, Heinz from USA, Parmalat from Brazil, the Chang from Thai, the Telefonica from Spain.
Mushroom sold here in Pasar Borong Selayang, Selangor..the price is still reasonable RM11.00/kg
the mighty Nestle with its product here, my family consume Nescafe 3-in-1, Kit Kat, Milo, Maggi Tomyam, and many more cannot remember, otherwise i not blogging here coz i'll be sitting to finish Nestle Koko Crunch
the Internal Trade Minister, Datuk Shahrir Samad said the Malaysian habit to shopping in big hypermarket due to the convinience to have everything and all services under one roof, but the habit killing the local slowly and sooner or later no locally made sauce and don't blame other if our future child didn;t what satay looks,
Monday, June 2, 2008
aku yang sesat lagik,
dalam ujung minggu nih aku dah ulang alik ke HKL 3kali tiap hari, aku amik mak aku kul 8pagi, pastuh dalam kul 3ptg aku antar balik ke HKL, and lastly mlm aku balik pasal adik aku yang last 2 tuh takder orang jaga kat umah,
yang nak klakar tuh, tiap perjalanan aku tuh sume mesti tak sama, mesti berlainan, tak pernah sama lagi setakat nih, padahal aku menuju ke tempat sama, siap hari nih aku pecah rekod aku buka peta pasal nak cari KLCC kat mane, nak antar adik aku yang Kt UTP tuh, da ader kursus kat sana, maklumlah KLCC tuh kan jauh, aku slalu nampak bulan, aku nampak bintang, KLCC plak paling last aku pergi masa aku aku diploma dulu,
so i wonder everyne mad if nobody of us going to KLCC or having the bussiness there, i can live till now, and yet dunt go to KLCC, have other pasar malam, and if want shirt or jean, could consider in Uptown, the ambient also live up lately, not to mention their cheek, but still i luv to go to Uptown Shah Alam for their food, miss te satay there, differ with the Kajang,
and go back to our journey, maybe i can consider to add GPS to my Xda, so ever wonder how its gonna be using the Gps,