Sunday, April 6, 2008

Semangat 46

Dear cupcakes, it been rainy since weeks ago.. the chief still in the cave, maybe the chief are trying to runaway from the battle field, membawa hati yang lara.... i'm so sad by the chief act to intisgate what really happen during the chief tenure..

for the soldier which are not so lucky, they are just follow the stream. Shin are on air right now, maybe its still try to get my attention same when its was in the Semangat 46. tired by own agenda, but never realises it coz its too childish.

after this finish the chief cannot runaway, it just like the chief are on the moving train,the chief cannot jump away, the chief have to go on.

the chief are great leader and one day the chief may become the prime minister or the first Malaysian on the moon. The chief cannot wait till somebady going away 7feets under, or become somebody to back to the 'Semangat 46'. the chief may to start this now at this point of second to gather the 46 or otherwise it will never happen. It will be so sad the 'Semangat 46' are sink below and everybody dig their own graveyard and hopefully the undertaker will do the rest...

for the 'no 2.' whish are somewhere there could give some hand to do this like old time.