Dear Cupcakes,
today wakes up very late, suppose to go to Damansara to Apai's house, but he waiting 4me and at the other hand myself also wait for him, then at nite going to the Besday to Alaong's frenz i dunt know what her name who is she? but luckily got i big KFC, very good
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sky is blue..
perjalanan yang indah di kala cuaca yang baik ini...............................................................................
Dear Cupcakes,
this evening thought about the same as before, i've got phone call from a investor to invest in my mushroom project about RM5 million...i think he must be crazy at 1st...
but i think i the one that must be monday the date line to meet him to convince him in my project, thought juzt wanna have some fun doing this thing, but the world are geting more mean, drive me crazy, drive me mad, this bundle of money will make me pray for God Allah coz lead me through this journey, must work hard after this, cannot blunder otherwise will embrase myself,
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Akademi Fantasia
Dear Cupcakes,
i wait this whole nnite, before this i'll watch the football games over the weekend, only to realise so much i missed the makan with the whole family, the af, yeah this is my 1st time to watch the game show, i dun know which episode or season now, and suddenly they announcing somebady named stacy as the winner, the only face i familiar with is the pengacara AC Mizal known as his role in Gerak Khas..
i wait this whole nnite, before this i'll watch the football games over the weekend, only to realise so much i missed the makan with the whole family, the af, yeah this is my 1st time to watch the game show, i dun know which episode or season now, and suddenly they announcing somebady named stacy as the winner, the only face i familiar with is the pengacara AC Mizal known as his role in Gerak Khas..
Hanya 6 pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak bagi 3,000 kes
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Mei – Hospital kerajaan menghadapi kekurangan pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak yang serius apabila hanya enam orang terlibat dalam bidang itu setakat ini, kesemuanya bertugas di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN).
Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad berkata, buat masa ini pula, 10 daripada 1,000 bayi yang dilahirkan di Malaysia setiap tahun menghidap penyakit jantung.
‘‘Ini bermakna setiap tahun kita berhadapan dengan kira-kira 5,000 kes sakit jantung kanak-kanak dan daripada jumlah itu, kira-kira 3,000 kes memerlukan pembedahan.
‘‘Pakar bedah jantung memang ramai di negara ini tetapi pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak cuma terdapat enam orang di IJN.
‘‘Ini kerana bukan mudah untuk menjadi doktor pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak. Sekurang-kurangnya 15 tahun diperlukan untuk membolehkan seseorang doktor itu menjadi pakar bedah jantung pediatrik atau kanak-kanak,’’ katanya
Dear Cupcakes,
Ever wonder why the shortage still happen, the doctor here dunt want to be specialist coz intent to be politician, so can be prime minister such da' great TDM (the only one such him) cannot found anymore so hard to replace this man, but still the doc just want to be the general practice and join the politic......
prevent is better than cure.??
Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad berkata, buat masa ini pula, 10 daripada 1,000 bayi yang dilahirkan di Malaysia setiap tahun menghidap penyakit jantung.
‘‘Ini bermakna setiap tahun kita berhadapan dengan kira-kira 5,000 kes sakit jantung kanak-kanak dan daripada jumlah itu, kira-kira 3,000 kes memerlukan pembedahan.
‘‘Pakar bedah jantung memang ramai di negara ini tetapi pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak cuma terdapat enam orang di IJN.
‘‘Ini kerana bukan mudah untuk menjadi doktor pakar bedah jantung kanak-kanak. Sekurang-kurangnya 15 tahun diperlukan untuk membolehkan seseorang doktor itu menjadi pakar bedah jantung pediatrik atau kanak-kanak,’’ katanya
Dear Cupcakes,
Ever wonder why the shortage still happen, the doctor here dunt want to be specialist coz intent to be politician, so can be prime minister such da' great TDM (the only one such him) cannot found anymore so hard to replace this man, but still the doc just want to be the general practice and join the politic......
prevent is better than cure.??
Sunday, May 18, 2008
went to football match
Friday, May 16, 2008
Bribe vs Enforcement vs educated Chef vs vegeis and frozen meat
Hong Kong - Nearly 50 chefs from some of Hong Kong's most illustrious bars, clubs and restaurants have been arrested for allegedly taking bribes from suppliers, investigators said Wednesday.
The 46 chefs, some of them working in the city's popular Lan Kwai Fong and Tsim Sha Tsui restaurant and nightclub districts, were arrested as part of a major corruption investigation.
They took bribes of up to 1,300 US dollars a time to order meat and vegetables from certain suppliers, the city's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) alleges.
The arrested chefs include cooks from 25 western, Vietnamese and Japanese restaurants, seven bars, four clubs and one hotel, an ICAC spokesman said in a statement. It did not name the venues.
A purchasing manager and employees from frozen meat and vegetable suppliers were also arrested in an operation codenamed Barracuda which began last Wednesday, the spokesman said.
"ICAC enquires revealed that one of the arrested shareholder-cum-directors of the food supplier, with assistance from his four colleagues, had allegedly offered bribes to the chefs as rewards for them to place purchase orders or to expedite payments," he said.
"It is alleged that regular bribes, ranging from several thousand Hong Kong dollars to over 10,000 Hong Kong dollars (1,380 US dollars), were paid to the chefs."
None of the arrested suspects had yet been charged and investigations into the matter were continuing, the ICAC spokesman said. (dpa)
Dear Cupcakes,
Even in islam we were thought about bribery, the money we eat daily will be blood running through our veins, don't u ever let yourself and your family came near to matter what industry you are into polizie, the admin, goverment servant, teacher, politician, and p*** industry also...
The 46 chefs, some of them working in the city's popular Lan Kwai Fong and Tsim Sha Tsui restaurant and nightclub districts, were arrested as part of a major corruption investigation.
They took bribes of up to 1,300 US dollars a time to order meat and vegetables from certain suppliers, the city's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) alleges.
The arrested chefs include cooks from 25 western, Vietnamese and Japanese restaurants, seven bars, four clubs and one hotel, an ICAC spokesman said in a statement. It did not name the venues.
A purchasing manager and employees from frozen meat and vegetable suppliers were also arrested in an operation codenamed Barracuda which began last Wednesday, the spokesman said.
"ICAC enquires revealed that one of the arrested shareholder-cum-directors of the food supplier, with assistance from his four colleagues, had allegedly offered bribes to the chefs as rewards for them to place purchase orders or to expedite payments," he said.
"It is alleged that regular bribes, ranging from several thousand Hong Kong dollars to over 10,000 Hong Kong dollars (1,380 US dollars), were paid to the chefs."
None of the arrested suspects had yet been charged and investigations into the matter were continuing, the ICAC spokesman said. (dpa)
Dear Cupcakes,
Even in islam we were thought about bribery, the money we eat daily will be blood running through our veins, don't u ever let yourself and your family came near to matter what industry you are into polizie, the admin, goverment servant, teacher, politician, and p*** industry also...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
al-Nakba....we will return
Dear Cupcakes,
the may 14 maybe doesn't remind anything on Malaysia here. This is the day of the establisment of the Israel on Palestenian land. in 1948, 700k Palestenian were forced out from their own house and walking emptied hand to the nowhere.
Due to this tragedy Palestenian today only released black balloon to the air, bcoz this is the only they can do. Remember when the throwing brick rock to Israeli army, everyone in our country said they had to back to negotiation, Islam is peace, dun't teach muslim around the world about violence and getting mad to other.....difference in Malaysia we all Malay are muslim and hence still fighting about who is suppose to lead this faction...there are billions of muslim around the world need guidance from Malaysian as future islam and yet we are not reflecting what the great leader is...still fighting and arguing about point of order and 'peraturan mesyuarat' what the f*** here...?
the may 14 maybe doesn't remind anything on Malaysia here. This is the day of the establisment of the Israel on Palestenian land. in 1948, 700k Palestenian were forced out from their own house and walking emptied hand to the nowhere.
Due to this tragedy Palestenian today only released black balloon to the air, bcoz this is the only they can do. Remember when the throwing brick rock to Israeli army, everyone in our country said they had to back to negotiation, Islam is peace, dun't teach muslim around the world about violence and getting mad to other.....difference in Malaysia we all Malay are muslim and hence still fighting about who is suppose to lead this faction...there are billions of muslim around the world need guidance from Malaysian as future islam and yet we are not reflecting what the great leader is...still fighting and arguing about point of order and 'peraturan mesyuarat' what the f*** here...?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
'Berjimat-cermat' campaign
Islam menggalakkan umatnya mengutamakan amalan berjimat-cermat, kerana ia merupakan satu amalan baik dan mulia, secara tidak langsung amalan ini akan menjamin mengukuhkan ekonomi. namun masih ramai lagi di kalangan kita yang tidak sedar akan kepentingan berjimat-cermat dalam urusan kehidupan masing-masing. Sebahagian kita lebih suka berbelanja secara boros dan tidak teratur, sedangkan amalan sebegini membawa kepada kesan yang buruk dan negatif.
Mengenai amalan berjimat-cermat, ia berkait rapat dengan sifat pembaziran. Pembaziran amat ditegah dalam ajaran Islam kerana ia boleh membawa kepada kerugian, keburukan dan bagi kita yang mengamalkannya, termasuk sebagai saudara syaitan, sepertimana firman Allah SWT :
‘‘Saya telah berada dalam kerajaan selama 21 tahun dan dapat melihat sesuatu yang mungkin orang ramai tidak menghargainya iaitu langkah berjimat cermat Perdana Menteri sehingga membolehkan ekonomi negara berada pada landasan kukuh dan dijangka berkembang pesat seperti pada tahun 1993 dan 1994.
KUALA LUMPUR 5 Nov. – Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mahu rakyat berjimat cermat mulai sekarang sebagai persediaan menghadapi kemungkinan peningkatan kos sara hidup dan harga barang ekoran kenaikan harga minyak yang terus melambung di pasaran dunia.
Dear Cupcakes,
No wonder lah everyone now going to berjimat cermat, last nite we went for dinner together only to find out our nasi goreng still the same RM4.00 and the rice are little less, the vegie are almost invicible and no ayam at all, all ayam are already dead coz cannot buy food escalating rice's price so all ayam are starving to death, so no eggs produce mogok all ayam and no ayam at the end, coz ayam also want to berjimat cermat also, so whose suppose to get the benefit from the most success campaign "Berjimatcermat'
another story here when I visit the mamak stall and ordered roti kosong and guess what i get for my roti kosong....roti kosong di tengah...what they thinking?? 1st time the mamak really understand what i've had ordered...heuhuhu
Mengenai amalan berjimat-cermat, ia berkait rapat dengan sifat pembaziran. Pembaziran amat ditegah dalam ajaran Islam kerana ia boleh membawa kepada kerugian, keburukan dan bagi kita yang mengamalkannya, termasuk sebagai saudara syaitan, sepertimana firman Allah SWT :
‘‘Saya telah berada dalam kerajaan selama 21 tahun dan dapat melihat sesuatu yang mungkin orang ramai tidak menghargainya iaitu langkah berjimat cermat Perdana Menteri sehingga membolehkan ekonomi negara berada pada landasan kukuh dan dijangka berkembang pesat seperti pada tahun 1993 dan 1994.
KUALA LUMPUR 5 Nov. – Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mahu rakyat berjimat cermat mulai sekarang sebagai persediaan menghadapi kemungkinan peningkatan kos sara hidup dan harga barang ekoran kenaikan harga minyak yang terus melambung di pasaran dunia.
No wonder lah everyone now going to berjimat cermat, last nite we went for dinner together only to find out our nasi goreng still the same RM4.00 and the rice are little less, the vegie are almost invicible and no ayam at all, all ayam are already dead coz cannot buy food escalating rice's price so all ayam are starving to death, so no eggs produce mogok all ayam and no ayam at the end, coz ayam also want to berjimat cermat also, so whose suppose to get the benefit from the most success campaign "Berjimatcermat'
another story here when I visit the mamak stall and ordered roti kosong and guess what i get for my roti kosong....roti kosong di tengah...what they thinking?? 1st time the mamak really understand what i've had ordered...heuhuhu
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Best Political Pundits is goes to....

dear cupcakes,
after the general election, which bring tsunami to certain people, everyone wanna have their says to be heard, knowing that we living in the democracy country, one can have aanything their says to be heard, as long not against any law here, i might wonder who is the best political pundit in the country, we have Prof Agus very well know people, everyone in malaysia know him, Prof Khoo Kay Khim, Dr Lee lam Thye, Raja Petra, my father also and lately student also use their channel to voice out,
but beside that, also blogger here such me also growing, the Dr M, Dr Khir, Md Taib, JeFF ooi, YouTUBE, and many more also skyrocket, but last but not least i want to give advise to people stated above the award goes to cab drivers and the regular customers at kedai kopi pak mail, everywhere around the country, :) haha
after the general election, which bring tsunami to certain people, everyone wanna have their says to be heard, knowing that we living in the democracy country, one can have aanything their says to be heard, as long not against any law here, i might wonder who is the best political pundit in the country, we have Prof Agus very well know people, everyone in malaysia know him, Prof Khoo Kay Khim, Dr Lee lam Thye, Raja Petra, my father also and lately student also use their channel to voice out,
but beside that, also blogger here such me also growing, the Dr M, Dr Khir, Md Taib, JeFF ooi, YouTUBE, and many more also skyrocket, but last but not least i want to give advise to people stated above the award goes to cab drivers and the regular customers at kedai kopi pak mail, everywhere around the country, :) haha
Monday, May 5, 2008
What wrong with the Doctor in Malaysia
Dear Cupcakes,
aku pelik lah kenape banyak docs kat Malaysia nih suka menganggap kerja docs nih sekadar batu loncatan supaya menjadi ahli politik, aku tahu memang kerja doc nih memang mulia, selamatkan orang, tapi kalau dah jadi ahli politik lepas tuh ade agenda sendiri plak, so kat mana rasional nak selamatkan orang apabila kepentingan lain menjadi halangan, aku tgk kat Jepun tu, banyak je orang, sume selamat aje, sume sihat aje, yang mati lambat pun banyak, yang masih idup pun banyak lagi, aku rasa doc kat sana ngn kat malaysia sama aje,
aku kesal kekadang tuh kalo ader parent anak jantung berlubang lah, kembar siam bercamtum kepala la, ade tumor kat kepala, kene demam kuning, tapi rather than nak selamat kan nyawa orang2 nih mereka kene merayu satu negara masuk rancangan Bersamamu kat TV3 tuh dah cukup duit baru nak jalankan pembedahan, tapi yang operate bukan calang2 sume educated tapi still suruh orang2 nih mengemis simpati satu negara baru nak operate, kiter ade Dr M, Khir, Dr Lo' lo, Dr halimah, Dr Mashitah, Dr Koh, dan bermacam2 lagi docs sume tau semua benda dalam negara tapi bab tang nak selamatkan orang semua macam berdiam diri,
tapi lain plak ceritanya bile berpolitik, semua orang akan dengar apabila orang tuh ade docs, tak kira lah, dia docs haiwan, ke docs gigi ke, docs bedah ke, semua akan pay attention, kusyuk mendengar, sempat ke docs sumer nih nak bagi ubat lagi kalo dah slalu sangat ke parlimen, kalau kat kelantan kene selalu ke kedai kopi dengar luahan penduduk, so bile masa nak jalankan tanggungjawab kepada orang yang dah nak mati, belum campur yang orang eksiden, so timbullah lah banyak klinik swasta yang tumbuh macam cendawan selepas ujan kat malaysia nih, bile orang datang da bagi panadol, kalau datang lagi minggu depan bagi plak paracetamol kalo masih sakit lagik docs sumer nih bagi surat mc aje, abes cerita,
aku tak nafikan ader gak docs yang baik, tapi docs yang baik nih tah kat maner tah, dah di telan zaman kot, sumer gelap mata wat public service kat general jospital 2tahun pasu sume jadi general practices kat klinik swasta nih, pastuh caj memahal, kalau kat amerika nih, isu ini jadi debat umum masa pilihan raya presiden, itu yang ade isu healthcare, fringe benefit ngan masalah pencen, benda ini jadi perdebatan awam, bila kat Malaysia sume orang lupa semua masalah kalau dengar kelompok ini bercakap bagai orang satu level angkasawan negara tuh hah lagik satuh, mentang-mentang da docs jugak, bole pg ke ISS, tapi kematian kat Malaysia nih masih berleluasa, so kalau anda docs yang membaca blog ini, sila ambil teguran ini secara positif, tapi kalau nak berdebat ngan aku, aku anytime bole,
aku ader sakit angau nih, aku nak cari doc love aku lah aku rasa...
aku pelik lah kenape banyak docs kat Malaysia nih suka menganggap kerja docs nih sekadar batu loncatan supaya menjadi ahli politik, aku tahu memang kerja doc nih memang mulia, selamatkan orang, tapi kalau dah jadi ahli politik lepas tuh ade agenda sendiri plak, so kat mana rasional nak selamatkan orang apabila kepentingan lain menjadi halangan, aku tgk kat Jepun tu, banyak je orang, sume selamat aje, sume sihat aje, yang mati lambat pun banyak, yang masih idup pun banyak lagi, aku rasa doc kat sana ngn kat malaysia sama aje,
aku kesal kekadang tuh kalo ader parent anak jantung berlubang lah, kembar siam bercamtum kepala la, ade tumor kat kepala, kene demam kuning, tapi rather than nak selamat kan nyawa orang2 nih mereka kene merayu satu negara masuk rancangan Bersamamu kat TV3 tuh dah cukup duit baru nak jalankan pembedahan, tapi yang operate bukan calang2 sume educated tapi still suruh orang2 nih mengemis simpati satu negara baru nak operate, kiter ade Dr M, Khir, Dr Lo' lo, Dr halimah, Dr Mashitah, Dr Koh, dan bermacam2 lagi docs sume tau semua benda dalam negara tapi bab tang nak selamatkan orang semua macam berdiam diri,
tapi lain plak ceritanya bile berpolitik, semua orang akan dengar apabila orang tuh ade docs, tak kira lah, dia docs haiwan, ke docs gigi ke, docs bedah ke, semua akan pay attention, kusyuk mendengar, sempat ke docs sumer nih nak bagi ubat lagi kalo dah slalu sangat ke parlimen, kalau kat kelantan kene selalu ke kedai kopi dengar luahan penduduk, so bile masa nak jalankan tanggungjawab kepada orang yang dah nak mati, belum campur yang orang eksiden, so timbullah lah banyak klinik swasta yang tumbuh macam cendawan selepas ujan kat malaysia nih, bile orang datang da bagi panadol, kalau datang lagi minggu depan bagi plak paracetamol kalo masih sakit lagik docs sumer nih bagi surat mc aje, abes cerita,
aku tak nafikan ader gak docs yang baik, tapi docs yang baik nih tah kat maner tah, dah di telan zaman kot, sumer gelap mata wat public service kat general jospital 2tahun pasu sume jadi general practices kat klinik swasta nih, pastuh caj memahal, kalau kat amerika nih, isu ini jadi debat umum masa pilihan raya presiden, itu yang ade isu healthcare, fringe benefit ngan masalah pencen, benda ini jadi perdebatan awam, bila kat Malaysia sume orang lupa semua masalah kalau dengar kelompok ini bercakap bagai orang satu level angkasawan negara tuh hah lagik satuh, mentang-mentang da docs jugak, bole pg ke ISS, tapi kematian kat Malaysia nih masih berleluasa, so kalau anda docs yang membaca blog ini, sila ambil teguran ini secara positif, tapi kalau nak berdebat ngan aku, aku anytime bole,
aku ader sakit angau nih, aku nak cari doc love aku lah aku rasa...
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